Friday, February 7, 2014

YDLI Day 3: Constructive Conflict Management & Lively Debate

Everyone deals with conflict in life at some point or another. Whether discussing business decisions with a partner on the farm, working with someone in your office on a project, or discussing family finances with a spouse, disagreements occasionally arise.

The focus of today's YDLI training focused on conflict resolution techniques with Dr. Wes Jamison, Associate Professor of Communication at Palm Beach Atlantic University. Jamison spent the morning reviewing reasons for conflict, and the different techniques that can be applied to constructively resolve disagreements.

YDLI 8 participant Julia Hudyncia and Advisory Committee member participant Matt Nuckols practice their conflict resolution techniques in front of the crowd.
At lunch, the Holstein Foundation was pleased to honor Ray Prock, Jr., of California as the 2014 YDLI Distinguished Alumni Leader Award recipient. Watch for more news about this award next week.

Holstein Foundation Chairwoman Judi Iager and Holstein Association USA CEO John M. Meyer present Ray Prock with his YDLI Distinguished Alumni Leader Award
After lunch, a highlight of the day was a debate between Blake Hurst, Missouri Farm Bureau President, and Joe Maxwell, Vice President of Outreach and Engagement for the Humane Society of the United States. The pair had a respectful discussion surrounding modern agriculture practices and policy, and several class members had the opportunity  to ask their own questions.

The session wrapped up with participants working together to create pro-dairy advertisement ideas to connect with consumers and share our story in a positive manner.

This evening, the group will hear a dinner keynote speech from Holstein Foundation Trustee and Chairman of Board of Land O' Lakes, Inc. about "Exploring Your Leadership Frontier," sharing lessons he has learned throughout his career, and how your personal characteristics can build influence with others and grow your sphere of cooperation.

Tomorrow is the final day of the program, and a focus of the morning will be learning about the public policy process and how to become a part of it. After lunch, reports on Phase 2 projects will continue, and then Ty Bennett will provide a closing keynote on "The Power of Influence." The final fiesta will be a chile cook-off and authentic Albuquerque experience at the famous Sadie's restaurant.

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