Friday, February 8, 2013

YDLI Day 3: Budding Dairy Spokespeople Blossom!

Friday of YDLI Phase 1 is always an intense one, with the focus being on communicating about the dairy industry effectively. Media maven Joan Horbiak, David Pelzer of Dairy Management, Inc., and Michele Ruby were on hand to put the participants through the wringer and teach them tips to successfully and confidently navigate any interview or conversation with consumers. 

Joan's session started by laying down some fundamentals, built around "the six C's":
  1. Connect (with your audience)
  2. Consistent (messages)
  3. Clear
  4. Compelling
  5. Control (the conversation)
  6. Call to Action
After getting an outline of the basics, the group had a chance to practice their key messages and interview techniques on-camera, with a series of questions built around real-life scenarios. It's always fun and amazing to watch YDLIers gain confidence and successfully master the art of telling their story.

Joan Horbiak reviews key concepts with the class.

YDLI Advisory Committeee member Frank Conyngham checks in with Lynsay Beavers (AB) and Lucas Fuess (IL)

Lana Olson (MN) practices her key messages on camera.

Lavaun Janney promotes dairy products in a mock interview.

 Next, the class put their skills to practice in real life, doing some consumer interviews at the University of New Mexico campus. The class members had some interesting conversations, ranging from college football players whose trainer advised them to drink milk after each workout, to college professors who had influence over a large number of students, but knew little accurate information about the dairy industry. It was eye-opening to group to learn about the range of opinions and amount of misinformation that exists in the consuming public.
Brad Pacey and Michelle Rauf conduct some consumer interviews.

Ben Cloninger (PA) and Lynsay Beavers visit with a woman on the UNM Campus
After an action-filled day, the class had the chance to hear from a YDLI alum who further fueled their fire. Laura Daniels provided a dinner keynote about using your personal values to connect with consumers and tell dairy's story. She inspired the group to find their inner passion, what drives them, why they do what they do, and use those common values to bridge the gap with consumers, asking the class to "let your passion lead you."

Laura Daniels delivers her inspiring message

Tomorrow marks the final day of Phase 1, and will focus on "communication, influencing and leading" with a workshop presented by Monty Miller, and then the class members will get to work on making plans for their Phase 2 projects. 

Want to learn more about YDLI? Visit the Holstein Foundation web site!

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